Friday, November 30, 2007

The last days of the program

Wednesday I had an oral exam for my Spanish class in the morning. I spoke with my teacher for about 10 minutes, and that was it. I came back to my house to shower and freshen up. Around 1pm I went to go hand in my final paper for my history class. The prof. was late, so we all handed them into the office. Then off to lunch with Sarah at Classica and Moderna. It was a nice and relaxing, since I had just completely finished. That afternoon I had a phone interview for a possible internship for next semester, and then relaxed and read some news. I organized a big goodbye dinner at La Cabrera, a really nice Argentine steak restaurant. As it was for the entire semester, I was surrounded by a group of girls, and had nothing to complain about. Dinner was fun, and being together with everyone was a lot of fun. After dinner we ended up at Paseo del Sol, an outdoor seating area outside one of the malls. It was just nice to hang with a bunch of people outside on a beautiful night. I left around 3am, and got to bed at a reasonable h

Thursday I slept in then met up with Kate and Elise for lunch around the Plaza de Mayo. After lunch we went and watched the Mothers walk in the plaza. It was cool to see them, and see how moving their walks are. I walked Elise back to IES, then after a little Internet walked home. I got some research done for our travels, and before I knew it, it was time to go out. I met up with Alex and Kate for a drink before dinner. Our program had organized this goodbye party at a nice place near my house. It was fun since everyone was leaving, but also made me realize how little people on the program I knew. After the party we ended up at Liquid, a bar/club. After a few drinks and some dancing, we moved to LOST, a nightclub that has hip-hop music. It was nice to hear some of that music, since you don't get much down here. I left around 4.30am, and took the bus home.

Friday I got lunch with Kate and Elise. We picked up churipan and sat in the park to eat. It was nice and relaxing. I came back and worked the entire afternoon on packing and getting ready to travel. I am tired and amazed by how much stuff I have here. I always overpack.

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