Sunday, September 30, 2007

Saturday - Spring is amazing!

Saturday again started with sleeping late and reading in bed until my stomach told me it was lunch time. I met up with my girls for lunch at a nice panini cafe. We sat outside and the weather was fantastic. Afterwards, I walked over to a park by Recoleta Cemetary and found a nice hill where many groups of people at set up little picnics. I laid down using my jacket as a pillow and read there in the sun for a few hours. A group of high school kids were next to me playing guitar and singing, and a couple was on the other side. It was nice to be outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.

I walked over to a locutorio, checked some email and made some calls.

By the time I got home, showered, and cleaned my room, it was almost dinner time, and I met up with Kate to walk to the restaurant which we had reservations for. Doshi, is one of the finest sushi places in Buenos Aires. The meal ended up being absolutely fantastic.

Afterwards, the girls treated themselves to ice cream, but I didn't have any more room in my stomach for desert. We made the nice walk home, and by the time I got back to my room it was already 1am.

I feel asleep very easily, excited about the days ahead.

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